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- Short: MotionBlur Arexx script for ImageFX
- Author: robert.nilsson@mbox306.swipnet.se <Robert Nilsson>
- Uploader: robert.nilsson@mbox306.swipnet.se <Robert Nilsson>
- Requires: ImageFX and Arexx running
- This Arexx script is EMAILWARE! That means if you find
- this Arexx script useful I would like to recieve an email :)
- Introduction
- ------------
- I created this ImageFX Arexx script beacause I wasn't statisfied
- with the MotionBlur in Tornado3D.I think the MotionBlur in T3D
- blurs everything too much, it evens blur the images when nothing
- is moving. This can sometimes look good, but I don't like it.
- This Arexx script takes one frame and the composes a selectable
- number of the following frames with the first one. The first
- "Blur frame" is 50% of the intensity of the first frame. And the
- next frame is 50%/2 and the next one is 50%/4 and so on.
- Installation
- ------------
- Copy the Arexx script where ever you want. Preferably in your ImageFX:Rexx/ directory.
- How to use
- ----------
- Let's say that you make an animation in a 3D program and make it
- 100 frames long. If you want 9 frames blurred then make the same
- animation 1000 frames long instead. Then you use this script and
- it takes the first frame and blurs 9 frames with it. Like this:
- Frame number: 0 | 1-9 | 10 | 11-19
- Image: Base image | Blur frames | Base Image | Blur Image
- and so on....
- In Tornado3D when using a PowerPC CPU the rendering is so fast
- that it doesn't really matter if you render 10 more frames for
- each frame, but with 68k programs it might be too much :)
- NOTE: The ImageFX Classic is faster than ImageFX for Cybergraphx,
- when handling scripts.
- When you start the Arexx script in ImageFX you are asked a couple
- of questions.
- 1. Input Basename
- -----------------
- The base file pattern without the numbers.
- For example if the files are named pic.0001, pic.0002,pic.0003.....
- Then you should enter pic.
- 2. Number of digits after the base name (Load)
- ---------------------------------------------
- The number of digits after the input basename. For example if the
- files are named pic.0001, pic.0002, pic.0003..... Then you should
- enter 4
- 3. Start Frame
- --------------
- The first frame of your picture serie. If the
- frames starts with for example pic.0000 you should enter 0.
- If the frames start with pic.0001 you should enter 1.
- 4. Output Basename
- ------------------
- The base filename pattern for the output pictures.
- 5. Number of digits after the base name (Save)
- ----------------------------------------------
- The number of digits after the output basename. For example if you want the
- output files named pic.0001, pic.0002, pic.0003.....
- Then you should enter 4.
- 6. Total number of frames
- -------------------------
- The total number of frames. Should preferably be an even number
- dividable with the number of blur images.
- 7. Number of frames to be blurred
- ---------------------------------
- The number of frames to be used as composite images, see
- explanation above.
- 8. Save Image Format
- --------------------
- The file format of the output pictures. To be able to use YUV you
- have to have YUV image Saver installed. The JPEG images are saved
- with the quality setting at 100% (best picture quality).
- Enjoy!
- Suggestions are more than welcome.
- Author: Robert Nilsson
- email: robert.nilsson@mbox306.swipnet.se
- website: http://come.to/ppcrulez or http://www.ppcrulez.com
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 3401 925 72.8% 02-Jul-00 18:43:28 MotionBlur_IFX.ifx
- 3402 1386 59.2% 02-Jul-00 18:46:40 MotionBlur_IFX.readme
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 6803 2311 66.0% 03-Jul-100 14:58:10 2 files